Hacks to attract Gen-Z consumers

Gen-Z, a word that we all hear everywhere nowadays. So what is it?

Before we start talking about much deeper things, let’s get clear with the term.

People born between 1996 and 2012 are called Gen-Z’ers or Gen-Z. Suppose you are a millennial reading this article (clearly born before 1996). In that case, a simple differentiating point between you and Gen-Z is that they have always had access to digital aids like smartphones, laptops, and other advanced technologies.

What you consider as advanced technology is basic for them.

My Content Cafe is a digital marketing agency formed by two people of the Gen-Z era.

Now, why are we talking about Gen-Z today?

Talking about India, it has a Gen-Z population of 472 million. The US has a population of 72.1 million, and the world has around 32% Gen-Z of the Global population (According to a 2019 study).

The population is not the only game here; Gen-Z is the target audience that is influencing Millennials and Generation Alpha or Gen Alpha {Generation born between 2010-2025}.

Now wouldn’t you want to include such a group in your target audience? Yes, you definitely would.

Today, we will talk about how to attract Gen-Z’s audience group and understand their consumer habits.

Gen-Z consumer behavior

Before we jump into the hacks, let me tell you one thing – 

Trust and decision-making depend a lot on these digital techs for a generation that has always been on some device. So you need to be digital to reach such consumers. {Well, we all know they hardly look anywhere else apart from their phones 😜}

Let’s understand a little more about them – 

  1. As opposed to any older generations, Gen-Z consumers are more open to sharing their data with insurers to get more personalization. 
  1. They are digital savvy and are highly open to endorsing homegrown brands. 

But even in this generation, consumer habits might differ according to demographics. What India or the US might prefer will not be the same case for China’s Gen-Z. 

  1. According to Yahoo Finance, Financial confidence has risen to 60% amidst the Pandemic. 
  1. 83% of consumers feel that political topics are a part of peer conversations. 
  1. For 66%, streaming content of their choice makes them feel free. 
  1. 43% feel that music is a prime stressbuster.
  1. 62% feel that they feel better to move towards spirituality.
  1. 51% will wait for the right opportunity rather than taking what’s served in front of them. 
  1. 74% feel that DIY has become more important to them and has grown more during and post-pandemic. 
  1. A study by Deloitte says that Indian Gen-Z consumers have become more socially conscious shoppers. 

Several data backed by a survey by MTV youth study 2021- Atmanirbhar by Circumstance

Knit has always been a boon to understanding Gen-Z consumers. It can help you with everything about Gen-Z from Z to A 😛

Let’s see what the world has to say about Gen-Z.

According to a Forbes article

Corporations are also increasingly adopting a digital mindset in the workplace as an element of social responsibility. The focus is not just on marketing to Gen-Z but employing more Gen-Z and millennial individuals in their marketing departments.

A report by the data science division of Dentsu India has given the following data:

  • 70% of the Gen-Z audience is willing to try lesser-known brands
  • 60% of the transactions are done via virtual wallets.
  • Around 60% of the audience has claimed that they have done an online certification.
  • 49% depend on Ayurveda to fulfill their immunity needs.

Any marketing strategy you want to try must involve deep research into how Gen-Z consumers behave for your niche.

While this subject can consume a lot of space and time, we should swiftly shift to the hacks you are here for.

How to attract Gen-Z consumers?

Let’s dive directly into the hack pool –

  1. Research Gen-Z culture {I think we have talked appropriately on that}
  2. Hire social media managers that have Gen-Z’ers in their team. Visit My Content Cafe, DUH!
  3. Use Buy Now, Pay Later [BNPL] payment options
  4. Take a stand on social issues
  5. Make sure to make your brand trustworthy and authentic.
  6. Use eye-catching, visual content as much as appropriate
  7. Experiment with creativity and interactive content. Nothing is better than self-experiments, and MCC believes in it. 
  8. Use time-sensitive posts. Use the FOMO trick.
  9. Showcase some sense of humor.
  10. Respond to followers timely.

Well, that’s all we have. Wait, we stopped at 10 only.

Can’t do that to you all. Here are some more.

  1. Express your brand’s values and beliefs.
  2. Embrace the feedback and reviews you get from your customers.
  3. Meeting your audience where they live virtually.
  4. And our favorite – Give them what they really want.

Want to find your audience and tap into their desires? Visit us on our website.

Are you Gen-Zfying your brand?